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I am a programmer, a mathematician, a teacher, a hiker, a bookworm, a philosopher, a dreamer, a theist, a skeptic, and more. I am a software engineer for NVIDIA, with a fondness for compilers. Previously, I worked eight years for SGI on the SGI MIPSpro compilers and SGI Pro64 compilers, and then three years on the Pathscale Compiler Suite, for QLogic and then SiCortex. My focus has been global (procedure) optimization, feedback via instrumentation, and some low level loop transformations. While at SGI, I also contributed to the Star-P extension to Matlab. I currently reside in Belmont CA. I also have lived in Singapore, San Carlos CA, Cambridge MA, Ann Arbor MI, Columbia SC, and Chapel Hill NC. I graduated in 1998 from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, where I completed a Ph.D. in Mathematics and a Masters degree in Computer Science and Engineering. As an undergraduate, I earned degrees in Math and EECS at MIT in Cambridge. My mathematics thesis research involved the action of a particular subgroup of p-adic matrices on homogeneous trees. I designed a computer program to generate the resulting quotient graphs, and then generated proofs for some of the patterns observed. My most satisfying activity in Ann Arbor was teaching calculus for eleven semesters. After my final year, the graduate school honored me as an Outstanding GSI. My other interests include nature and hiking, philosophy of science and religion, fantasy and horror stories, crossword puzzles, and interactive fiction. I prefer walking to riding and reading to watching TV. My web pages include:
Send email to me at dlstephe@yahoo.com, or contact me at:
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